Please see the information below for how we release students during inclement weather. We will communicate through our school messenger system when the procedures are adjusted.
Please know that, without lightning in the area, our dismissal patterns remain the same. Our goal, always, is to ensure all students arrive home safely, even if they are just a little wet. Please see below for a several important reminders.
Dismissal Changes
Dismissal changes will not be accepted past 2:15/1:15. If your student is a walker/biker, they will remain a walker/biker. Please do not call the front office to change as we will not be able to facilitate the change safely.
If you choose to drive and ask for your Charger to come to you, they will not be released to you. To facilitate a safe transition home, students will be released using their current dismissal route.
Lightning in the area
If there is a lightning strike within two miles of POA, students will hold in place until 10 minutes has passed. The timer restarts every time there is a lightning strike. If we are “holding in place,” again, your child will not be released if you change your dismissal.
Communicating with Front Desk
We appreciate your patience with us; there is always a high volume of calls during dismissal and we will not be able to answer many calls during dismissal. Please be patient if we are in a hold, and follow your regular dismissal procedures.
Drew Chiodo, Principal