Charger Cafeteria parent Information:
• Hello, my name is Jessica Peto. I am the cafeteria manager here at Patriot Oaks Academy. If you need to reach me my number is 904- 547-4061 or email me at: [email protected]
• We use for adding money into your student’s lunch account. Paypams can also tell you when your monies are low. Also, on you can see what your student had for lunch that day. (It does take 24hrs to update).
• You also can send in cash or a check. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure First and Last Name are on all monies!!!
• We do NOT refuse any child anything until a parent specifically asks us to! Or if their balance is at zero. Even at zero, we will always feed them breakfast or lunch. Just no EXTRA-A-LA-Carte (kindergarten and first grade can only get one Ala carte item)
• We offer A-La Carte options everyday such as yogurt, extra piece of fruit, extra veggies, extra entrée, fruit snacks, fruit roll up, chips, juice, rice Krispy treats.
We can always place a limit/restriction on any account. Limits must go through me just send me an email.
Wednesday and Fridays will be our ice cream days for Elementary (every day for middle school) ice cream is a dollar. Thursdays will be cookie day they are $0.60
• Every student will be given a pin number to go through the line. If they forget their number, no problem we can look it up for them.
• Lunch includes entrée, milk up to two vegetables and one fruit. lunch is $3.25 (Elementary) $3.50 (Middle School)
• We serve breakfast daily which includes entrée or cereal, (toast with cereal) fruit, milk, and juice. Breakfast is $1.75
• We will be serving Papa Johns every Monday as ala carte, every item you get with Papa Johns will be charged as ala carte. This will be for 4th-8th graders each slice will be $2.00
-Jessica Peto, Café Manager
Please feel free to contact [email protected] or call at 904.547.4061 if you have any questions, concerns or comments.
Pay for Cafeteria Meals Online

Scan the QR code above for the café refund form.