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Welcome to Patriot Oaks Academy!

Check out the weekly Charge On News!

School Hours

8:25 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
(Wednesday Early Release 1:45 p.m.)
No campus admission prior to 8 a.m.

Bell Schedule

Dismissal Times

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday at 2:45 p.m.

Wednesdays at 1:45 p.m.

Quick Links

Students use Clever to access Schoology, Office 365, and other links for students. For online textbooks, students in grades K-5 use Clever and students in grades 6-8 use Schoology.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Drop off in the mornings:

  • Parents may walk their children to their classrooms on the first day of school only if they choose. (Kindergarten is an exception. Please see kindergarten section below).
  • We ask that you drop your child at the classroom door and say your quick goodbye as you head back outside. Please do not linger.
  • Our students can arrive to school between 8:00-8:25am (no earlier). We recommend that you aim more towards 8 am so you are not held up trying to manage the drop off lines. They both get longer the closer it gets to school start time (8:25).
  • Students may be dropped off in the morning in either lot- red lot (entrance on Long Leaf Pine Pkwy) or blue lot (entrance on Islesbrook). Both are open to all ages in the mornings. Our students enter using two doors in the front of the building only- one in the red lot and one in the blue lot. Bikers and walkers head to the front and enter with the car line students.
  • Access Classroom students are to be dropped off in the blue lot in the mornings. That is where we will have additional staff ready to take your child to class. Please have your pink cards in your windshields so we can see that you are pulling up. If your child needs a bit more time to get out of the car, you are free to use the two handicapped parking spots in the blue lot to allow you more time.

District Information

District Mission Statement

The St. Johns County School District will inspire good character and a passion for lifelong learning in all students, creating educated and caring contributors to the world.

School Board Representative

Beverly Slough, District 1 representative to the St. Johns County School Board, writes periodic updates for parents and others concerning school district matters. 

School District News

Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Parent Survey

Each year, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) conducts a survey designed to provide FDOE and the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, with information on how well Florida's schools are partnering with parents and promoting parent involvement in their child's education. The survey is open to all parents of children with an individual educational plan (IEP) receiving ESE services from preschool age through grade 12.

The 2024-2025 ESE Parent Survey is open beginning February 2025 and will close on June 30, 2025.

Your responses will help guide efforts to improve services and results for children and families. All information provided will remain confidential. You may submit one online survey for each child receiving services.

Complete the ESE Parent Survey

ESE Parent Survey

FortifyFL App

FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or

Florida school districts are now required by the FLDOE to make a FortifyFL Training Presentation available to parents and guardians.

School Access

This is just a reminder that anyone (parent, guardian, friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle) must have school access to attend an event at Patriot Oaks Middle School, have lunch with a student and/or attend an awards assembly. If you have not already done so, please complete the School Access Form. The process for approval may take up to 4 weeks, so please fill out the application sooner than later for any guests that would like to have school access. Once the application is approved, school access will be valid for three years.